
I got a Nikon camera, I love to take a photograph . . .

Here are some recent projects . . . in no particular order:

My Hanne Falkenberg Jacket thus far. This is the left front, side gore, and part of the left sleeve.

Dirty, dirty alpaca batt.
Anyone know how to remove this crap?

Cotswold I'm selling on e-bay.
Ho, ho, ho!

Some of the discount fiber I got at the Red Needle's going out of business sale. This is about half of a 4 ounce bundle of hand-dyed roving I bought. It's very fun to spin, and is inspiring me to dye some more roving . . .

A close-up of the merino/cashmere 2-ply I'm spinning. This is soft as a duck's belly, and the brown is very complex and interesting. There are hints of lavender, gold, teal and purple throughout. Click for a close-up, and you'll see what I mean . . .

This skein is a little over 200 yards. That brings my grand total spun so far (of this fiber) to about 450 yards. I still have a fair amount of this to spin -- not sure exactly how much.

And now, because I am trying to be a good, disciplined girl, I will sign off and peruse the want ads. Ick.


Eentsy-teensy Update

We don’t have pictures, but we do have UPDATE:

I am up to the first sleeve of the Hanne Falkenberg Ballerina jacket. The pattern is intimidating, as it is printed in a puny font, and assumes that I am a way better knitter than I am. I enlarged it 200%, and generally need to read each section of instructions 3-4 times before it gels in my brain. Many times, when the instructions seem incomprehensible, I am reduced to "sleeping on it."

It's a vague magic, but it seems to work, The next day I stumble on, one row at a time. So far (knock on wood), so good.

I knitted about half a sock in the padded footlet pattern before I decided I would rather gargle tacks than knit one more row. I tore it out, and started a similar pattern from knitty. com (find it here), which seems much more congenial.

Washed, picked, and bundled up about 2-1/2 pounds of Cotswold (So why did I buy a Cotswold fleece, if i didn't really want a Cotswold fleece? I think I had it confused with Corriedale . . .) and am selling most of it on e-bay. Cotswold works great for Santa beards . . .

In the process of processing a 3.5 lb Alpaca fleece that is full of grass, hay and ?&*!!. The alpaca itself is lovely, if only I could remove all of the grass, hay and ?&*!!. Any suggestions?

In general, spinning like a mad woman. I have almost a pound of a fabu merino-cashmere blend, and I’m hoping for enough 2-ply to make a sweater. So far I’ve spun about half (8 oz.), and I have one large bobbin full currently waiting to be skeined and set.

Still looking, lackadaisically, for a job. Since it seems that one is not going to crawl up my front walk and accost me, I might need to be a wee bit more vigorous in my search. As you all know (sigh), fiber ain’t free.

Tomorrow: Photos! Lord willing or the crick don’t rise!