
Grumpy Head Cold. Messages. Happiness a Tiny Dot on the Horizon . . .

Bleah. I've been fighting a head cold for a week-and-a-half. I keep saying to myself: If this isn't better in 2 more days, I'm going to the doctor. Two days later: If this isn't better in 2 more days, I'm going to the doctor. And repeat.

Also, I've received a couple of messages from readers who don't log in when they leave a message. I just wanted to let you know that if you don't log in, I can't reply. There's no address for me to reply to. Unless you leave me your e-mail in the text of the message (?). I guess that would work, too. My understanding of blogging protocols and procedures is rudimentary, at best. But: I didn't want anyone to think I was ignoring them.

I think this head cold is making me a touch paranoid. And maybe a little bit grumpy. Of course the whole reality that it is now dark at 5:15 at night isn't helping, either. Time to pull myself up by my chintzy winter chukkah straps and get happy.

Check back tomorrow for possible attitude improvement. It might happen,it might not. Damn cold.